You see, she was my first love. I was 10, she was 8 and we met while our families were vacationing. We were at a teen center and we danced together all evening... I'll never forget that! When the night ended, I was walking with my large group of campers I was with and she came running up to me out of the dark, threw her arms around me and kissed me... she was eight going on 16 and I fell in love that night... we spent 8 more years, every summer hanging out together...
When I was 17, I partied pretty hard and she told me that I was killing myself and she couldn't be around it... we parted ways that day. Some years later, I saw her just before she went off to New York to be married, we made love that day and then again, she was gone.
Now, almost 20 years later, I'm learning about her a different way. I'm finding that I love this woman for whom she's become not just the sexual part, or the beauty of her but for the person she is inside... Will anything come of this, I don't know, Since becoming a Zen Buddhist, I've discovered that I don't have to control the outcome, I only have to be present. The rest isn't up to me nor do I have to try and make it that way.
I've loved this girl almost my entire life, We've been connected in more ways than I can say. I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what the outcome, I'm just glad that she is alive and well and lets see where the story takes us from there...
Have you ever reconnected with an old love and what happened?
I would love to hear others take on this.