It's Friday night, it's 10:45 pm, I found out a few hours ago that my girlfriends, (GF)sisters husband was run down while riding his bicycle and is hanging on in the hospital with broken ribs, a broken back (not Paralyzed), brain swelling, lots of fractures and cuts, scraps bruises... but he's still alive and they think he's going to make it... scary@! I just returned from my trip and we didn't have any problems... I think about all the things that could have gone wrong and none did. Here he is, just riding to work and he's run down by a person not paying attention.
Now, my GF's, brothers, wife is VERY religious. She's got all her friends praying for Jeff. They're talking about it all... God is great, God is going to save him, God has a plan for life... How come GOD didn't smack that driver on the back of the head when he was looking down trying to figure out where he was going and say " look you dumb FUCK, You're about to Run down a really good guy!! LOOK UP!! " If there was a God, don't you think he would pay attention and protect the good people! It's like the war zone on the other side of the Bay, They're killing people for 10 bucks!! They're killing people because they're walking down the street!! I'm trying to figure out what Gods plan is for that!
Anyway, what I started to say was that with all this "stuff" going on. I'm sitting here.. feeling OK. You see, I thought my Mother was going to die this week. While I was gone on my Vacation, my sister was watching her. Well, I wasn't here, but she fell out of bed and hit her head and was pretty messed up. They didn't tell me until I returned from my trip. Over the last week, I've been noticing that she wasn't acting like herself, she seemed Doped up. She wasn't walking right, she wasn't responding correctly. I just couldn't figure it out. I thought maybe it was her brain, or the pain but I knew something wasn't right... then, last night, my sister was talking about medicines and said how much she was giving mom, it was DOUBLE what she should have been getting~! No wonder she was like a zombie! ( she has Dementia ) The shit hit the fan, Nurse sister came over, Doctors were called, Poison control was called, it turned out that she's going to be fine but what a scare...
And yet, I have nothing bothering me... I just don't get it. I'm calm. I guess some of that time staring at a wall, sitting in that uncomfortable position, thinking about not thinking is paying off... I came home from my trip and had work already set up. I worked all week, everything came together just as it should and I was able to complete everything on time... I guess someone out there has a plan... or maybe if I just stop trying to control EVERYTHING and just let things happen as they will it will be OK.
I hope Jeff has a speedy recovery. I'll do what I can to help out.
I think Mom is going to be OK and I'll do what I can to keep her comfortable in the time she has left.
I'm going to just stay out of my self and things will happen as they do...
Have a wonderful weekend!
Have you ever just let go of everything and found out that you never had control anyway?
Have you ever felt peace even thou all around you there was Chaos?
What do you do to keep yourself from reacting to outside pressure?