Monday, July 18, 2011

It's been a while

Hi all,
     It's been a while since I've blogged. Life had kept me pretty busy. My kids are out of school, I'm doing a lot of work for my Motorcycle group. We're making money to support our Big event that we have every October. This year it's being held on October 1st at the Petaluma Fair Grounds. Car show, Motorcycle show, Music, booths, sites and sounds with a great group of people and for a great cause. We're going to be donating our profits from the event to FINDING A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER. One of our members died this year from that deadly disease. We are also donating to Help the Children which helps kids in distress. Who says that motorcycle groups are bad.....

I am recouping from a 7 day road trip to the North. Spent 2 days in Klamath Falls, 3 days in Sisters OR. 1 day in Eagle Pointe OR. One day in Weaverville CA and then down 101 home. 1500 miles but we spent most of our time visiting with old and new friends. What a great trip!

I promised my girlfriend that since we've done two motorcycle trips and she didn't complain HARDLY at all, that we would do something different on our next trip.

We had a really good discussion on the last night of our trip. She's been dealing with a "little" weight problem. We laid it on the line. I asked her " if you were at your primary weight, how much weight would you like to loose?" She responded that 25 to 30 pounds would be ideal for her. I told her that I too would like to loose some weight. I'm about 10 pounds overweight but more so, I would like to firm up my abdominal muscles. SO, I proposed this to her. I told her that I would walk with her, go to the gym with her whenever she wanted and I would help her by not buying crappy food and eat more healthy. I also told her that if she could reach her "GOAL" of losing 30 pounds by December 15th, that I would take her to Cabo San Lucas for
10 days. She's been wanting to go somewhere tropical but she hasn't wanted to go lately with the extra weight she's carrying.

It really was a great talk, We are now working on our goals. We have one rule though, NO CRASH DIETING. We want to lose the weight, but we also want to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that it doesn't come back. I think she's in a good place right now and wants to work toward this goal. So do I.

So, I hope that all of you living in the sweltering heat are finding a way to keep cool. It's in the 60's to low 80's here in Marin Co. California. That Pacific Ocean seems to keep things fairly calm around here.

Keep smiling,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dearest one.

I would seriously love to find out how they spammed my BLOG? Those spammers are amazing! If they put half that energy into balancing the budget, the USA would be in the black within a week!!!

Still here... Heading to Klamath Falls, Oregon on Friday on the Motorcycle. Then riding around Oregon and back home in 7 days. 

Can't wait! If you happen to live in Oregon, send me a note and lets meet up! Always looking to meet new friends.

Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Still Having fun with my boys

Hello out there! I'm still here.... have been busy with my boys, working and taking care of my ailing mother but still finding time to play. My girlfriend says I don't spend enough time with her but I tell her, you're here, you're with us... that's "time".... I'm trying though. I just haven't been feeling very "sexy"... I'm feeling more... how do you say... complacent, content maybe.. or... something like that.
I can tell you this, I've been enjoying being a kid with my kids. We've been putting together planes and boats. I found a new way to exercise my dog, I just use a little remote controlled boat out in the pond my my home and she chases it... pretty funny!

So, things are still good. I'm happy, I could use more work but that will come when it comes... I'm not going to stress about it.

Hope you all are well.
Those of you in the Southeast. Stay safe during these dangerous storms!

Hugs to you all,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hectic month

Hello peoples!
         I just noticed that it's been almost a month since the last time I Blogged. Lots of things have happened since then. I'm still learning to fly my little planes with my boys. I think I enjoy it more than they do. I think they would rather have RC cars or trucks... I prefer boats and planes.... apples to oranges...
I took my son flying yesterday, he's 13 and he crashed his plane. Not bad but it needed a little TLC. I started to fix it and he ran off to climb on the roof of the building we were by.... I felt he should help me fix it, he didn't think so.... The older he gets, the more spoiled he's acting... I know.......... he's 13! When I was his age, I was already selling pot at school so I have a hard time relating to this 13 yr. old because when I was his age, I think I was a little more in tune with what was right and wrong, how to keep the heat off of what I was doing and how to pay attention so that I didn't make waves around me.... I didn't want anyone knowing what I was up!
He on the other hand, is oblivious to his actions and most of the time, I don't think he even gives a shit...

Being a dad that lives in another town is tough! I think about my youngest a lot. I call him when I do. I would never hear from him if I didn't. I think that most of the problems come from his mother that is busy getting ready for her wedding. She NEVER does anything with him. When ever it's her weekend with him, she sends him off to the "rich" friends house. At that house, my son's best friend lives with his father. I've heard how that child talks to his father and if my son ever spoke to me that way, I would ground him for life!

I'm not wealthy, so I can't spoil my son but we do a lot of things together.
My problem is that I think that his mother isn't doing anything with him and isn't seeing what is happening to our son from hanging around his disrespectful friend...

So, that's one of the things going on right now, the other is that my VERY close Uncle passed away unexpectedly on Thursday. He's been like a father to me since my own father died and we would spend a lot of time at the ranch working around the property and talking... I'm going to miss him... We're planning the funeral right now... I HATE death.... it just makes me so sad...

I have missed writing here. I'll try to write more later after things calm down.

Have a great week!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Smooth life

I don't have anything going on in my life right now......
My boys and I are learning to fly Remote Controlled planes...
Life is smooth...... I think that's a good thing.
Love life is working out...
I'm at a point in my life where I don't have anything worth writing about....

I just wanted to say hello and let you all know that I'm thinking about you

Life is good.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feeling like a little kid

OK, so I'm an old man with a VERY young heart, mind and sex drive!

This weekend, I made mad passionate love to my girlfriend for Valentines Day.

Then I spent the rest of my weekend working on Remote controlled planes and boats and I LOVED IT!
When it rains, it washes out my work so I get bored to death and putting together things that go fast and are fun does it for me! I built two planes and got my boat all ready to go so as soon as the rain stops, I'll be ready to play~.

Thank god I have a girlfriend that doesn't get too upset when I don't pay EVERY minute of my time that I'm not working with her. She says that one of the things she loves about me is that I'm not obsessed with "ONE" thing, that she loves that I have lots of different things that I like to do. Good thing because with the two ranches, my kids, my over 40 soccer team, my Hot toys, my motorcycle and my group of bikers that I ride with at a drop of a dime, she has to be pretty patient!

I actually spent a lot of time with her this last week. Working on her truck and dealing with a CRAZY daughter that she has. If she was my kid, I'd help her down the stairs.... so to speak....

Life is good right now, just scored 3 BIG jobs so I'll be working into spring. That's a REALLY good thing because I have some traveling plans and I don't want to stress about money....ahve

I have a question for you...

Do you call your partner every morning if you don't live with them? This morning my girlfriend got mad at me again because I didn't call her first thing this morning. I was busy and I left my house without my phone and just figured I'd see her since she was going to be coming down this morning anyway. When I got home, there were 4 calls on my phone and when I picked it up, it rang again and it was her. She started giving me the riot act about not calling her, even though she was supposed to come down this morning. When she does that, it just makes me want to NOT CALL....

My question is, during a work day, do you expect your partner to call you during the morning? Knowing that my mornings are busy and I'm working or setting up work or doing bids and I'm not thinking about calling. I told her I would have called her once I was done with what I was doing... she didn't like that.... Is she being to needy? Insecure? This has been a problem for us for a while know. I work in the morning, she sleeps in and doesn't go to work until after 12....
Just looking for a little feedback on this.
Thanks and hope you all have a wonderful week and for those of you in California, Stay dry! And for those of you back East, STAY WARM!!!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter things

Well, I've been really busy with life so I haven't had much time to post over here.
Spent the weekend at the ranch and that's exactly what I needed. You've heard of "Man Caves" well I have a "Man Ranch" and it's where I love to go to get away from everything. My cell phone doesn't work there which makes it even better.

I went with a couple of friends and we spent the weekend chainsawing wood, clearing roads and shooting guns. What more could a man ask for!

I feel much more relaxed after that trip. The last couple of weeks has been CRAZY. I've been working my ass off and when I get home, all I can think about is sleeping.

I  did find time to work on my winter toy... my little speed demon..... a small boat that goes VERY fast.!
Went for a few motorcycle rides which always relaxes me. Yes, it's been beautiful in Cali.

The down side is that the girlfriend and I have been having problems but hopefully that too will work out.

Life hs been hectic,  but things have been looking up!

So, I'm playing with my toys and enjoying the weather....
Hope you all are having a great week!

Hugs and kisses to you all @@@



Monday, January 24, 2011

Needed someplace to park this

I heard this song and loved it so I want to learn to play it on my guitar and needed someplace to park the lyrics so that my GF won't find them until I get all the guitar parts down.

Having a good "Chat" over on Kat's Blog... you know me, always stirring up the pot!
Anyway, come give you're two cents about the topic, I haven't written much over there lately and thought this was a good topic to.

I went for a GREAT Motorcycle ride this weekend. We were bundled up pretty well since it was in the high 40's when we started out but it warmed up a bit and we started shedding layers. Sunny and warm by afternoon!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week.

My puppy Shadow has finally become a "woman" so I had to put a pair of my kids shorts on her...
She didn't like that!! LOL
She's a redneck dog and doesn't like sagging!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It's been  a while since I Blogged. The end of 2010 was a crazy time and I needed some time to figure some things out. December is always a hard time of the year for me. Business slows because nobody wants to remodel their homes knowing that they are going to be having company over the holiday's. People start thinking about all the presents they need to buy and don't want to spend money on making their home pretty... They also start to worry about taxes and so... unless it HAS to be done, jobs are put off until after the Visa bill comes in January...

I'm still waiting to find out what's going to happen with my DUI ( driving under the influence of prescription meds) The DA hasn't pressed charges so it's still up in the air... That's a something that has really been weighing on my mind. I've done REALLY well keeping clean and out of the court system. It's been 27 years since I was last in court and I've managed to fly under the radar ever since... I ride with a Biker group, I live a good life and I've stayed out of trouble... then in a blink of an eye, this! So, I'm waiting to see what's going to happen... I'll keep you posted!

The GF is stressing about her work and so it comes home with her... speaking about home, she's been staying over more and going home less and I think that might  be causing some more stress... I'm used to having my "Man Cave" time and when she's around, I don't get that Staring at the TV time... Did you ladies know that men can sit and stare at nothing without saying a word and be totally content? Well, we can and I miss that... I think since she's been here more often, she is starting to get that feeling that I need to tell her everything I'm doing and everywhere I go... now, I don't mind sharing those things with her but I don't want to feel "guilty" when I just want to go and hang out with my friends and shoot the shit... the other day, she called me to ask me a question while I was in a meeting and I couldn't answer the phone... she kept calling,, and calling... and calling... finally, my meeting ended and I answered and the first thing out of her mouth was "WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE, I KNOW YOU HAVE IT WITH YOU" right away, I went on the offensive.... "Who do you think you are yelling at me" Do you know who you're FUCKING with!! When things are going well, for some reason, she always finds a way to make drama... That's why I liked only having her around 2 days a week and occasionally on the weekends. We didn't fight, we made love we talked nicely to each other. I'm not a yeller,  I know that NOTHING ever gets solved by yelling but I also have a tendency to shut down... something I work on daily.
So, It's a new year. I want to make this year better than last.

Help just showed up to take care of my Alzimers Mother so I have to go and train her on what to do... so, I'll end with:

God, grant me the serenity to except the things I can not change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

BTW, I grew that Rose.... my Rose garden gives me piece of mind......
Have a great week!