Monday, March 21, 2011

Hectic month

Hello peoples!
         I just noticed that it's been almost a month since the last time I Blogged. Lots of things have happened since then. I'm still learning to fly my little planes with my boys. I think I enjoy it more than they do. I think they would rather have RC cars or trucks... I prefer boats and planes.... apples to oranges...
I took my son flying yesterday, he's 13 and he crashed his plane. Not bad but it needed a little TLC. I started to fix it and he ran off to climb on the roof of the building we were by.... I felt he should help me fix it, he didn't think so.... The older he gets, the more spoiled he's acting... I know.......... he's 13! When I was his age, I was already selling pot at school so I have a hard time relating to this 13 yr. old because when I was his age, I think I was a little more in tune with what was right and wrong, how to keep the heat off of what I was doing and how to pay attention so that I didn't make waves around me.... I didn't want anyone knowing what I was up!
He on the other hand, is oblivious to his actions and most of the time, I don't think he even gives a shit...

Being a dad that lives in another town is tough! I think about my youngest a lot. I call him when I do. I would never hear from him if I didn't. I think that most of the problems come from his mother that is busy getting ready for her wedding. She NEVER does anything with him. When ever it's her weekend with him, she sends him off to the "rich" friends house. At that house, my son's best friend lives with his father. I've heard how that child talks to his father and if my son ever spoke to me that way, I would ground him for life!

I'm not wealthy, so I can't spoil my son but we do a lot of things together.
My problem is that I think that his mother isn't doing anything with him and isn't seeing what is happening to our son from hanging around his disrespectful friend...

So, that's one of the things going on right now, the other is that my VERY close Uncle passed away unexpectedly on Thursday. He's been like a father to me since my own father died and we would spend a lot of time at the ranch working around the property and talking... I'm going to miss him... We're planning the funeral right now... I HATE death.... it just makes me so sad...

I have missed writing here. I'll try to write more later after things calm down.

Have a great week!