Friday, May 7, 2010

Crazy people (girlfriend)

So, there I was. Working on my girlfriends car. She was having a battery problem and the rear view mirror had broken off of the windshield and it was starting to get dark so I was trying to get it together for her. You see, she didn't show up at the house early like she said she would.

She was out talking to one of her crazy girlfriends. You might know her... she's the girl that can't hold a relationship, cheats on her boyfriends and loves to hit the bars on the weekends and be the center of attention while stumbling around talking all kinds of craziness... Well, when she did get back, I fixed the problems in her car and came into the house... I cleaned up and then started making dinner. Nothing big, just some Shrimp stir fry and veggies. We had a nice dinner and watched a movie then decided to take a little Jacuzzi.

Nothing out of the ordinary... AND THEN... out of the blue.... CRAZINESS...!! I'm not a verbal fighter, I prefer to discuss issues but they came fast and furious.. one after another, I'm a cheater, I'm a liar, I don't know how to discuss problems... "her girlfriend said this, and her girlfriend said that" I didn't know WHAT she was talking about... she asked if I emailed or texted other women.. I answered " Yes " I send messages to customers all the time. I also do have female friends that talk to me and I talk to, all with her knowledge... and then I figured it out... she'd been talking to her girlfriend that is about as messed up as a person can get... and she was filling her with craziness...

I'm wild, I'm crazy, I love wild kinky sex. I love Soft porn. Hardcore porn. I even love just making love... I also worry at times about not making enough money to do EVERYTHING I want.. and then I realize that I have enough to keep me fed and happy... And then, I get the "What are we doing" question. Where is our relationship going" Now, I let it be known VERY early in our relationship that I didn't want to get married. At least not now. But I was getting the "Talk" and it was time to cut bait. I told her that marriage wasn't in my near future and if that was a problem for her, she should start looking elsewhere. Not what she wanted to hear...

Now I had a crying, crazy woman on my hands... Sitting in the Jacuzzi, pissed off and not knowing what to do next... Then she said she was going to start Therapy.. so that's when I realized, she was scared... Scared of revealing her past. Revealing her feelings and she was scared... I hugged her, we dried off and went to bed. No, we didn't have sex. But we fell asleep, at least I did. Then this morning, she was off to work, I found a little note thanking me for listening to her...

And that just about sums up my day with a crazy girlfiend... What a day!

1 comment:


The best part of this was that you recognized her fear, her call for love, and you offered love to her.... not by sacrificing your own truth but by simply holding her and loving her through it. That's really all that you CAN do.

We're all crazy girlfriends at times...