This weekend, I made mad passionate love to my girlfriend for Valentines Day.
Then I spent the rest of my weekend working on Remote controlled planes and boats and I LOVED IT!
When it rains, it washes out my work so I get bored to death and putting together things that go fast and are fun does it for me! I built two planes and got my boat all ready to go so as soon as the rain stops, I'll be ready to play~.
Thank god I have a girlfriend that doesn't get too upset when I don't pay EVERY minute of my time that I'm not working with her. She says that one of the things she loves about me is that I'm not obsessed with "ONE" thing, that she loves that I have lots of different things that I like to do. Good thing because with the two ranches, my kids, my over 40 soccer team, my Hot toys, my motorcycle and my group of bikers that I ride with at a drop of a dime, she has to be pretty patient!
I actually spent a lot of time with her this last week. Working on her truck and dealing with a CRAZY daughter that she has. If she was my kid, I'd help her down the stairs.... so to speak....
Life is good right now, just scored 3 BIG jobs so I'll be working into spring. That's a REALLY good thing because I have some traveling plans and I don't want to stress about money....ahve
I have a question for you...
Do you call your partner every morning if you don't live with them? This morning my girlfriend got mad at me again because I didn't call her first thing this morning. I was busy and I left my house without my phone and just figured I'd see her since she was going to be coming down this morning anyway. When I got home, there were 4 calls on my phone and when I picked it up, it rang again and it was her. She started giving me the riot act about not calling her, even though she was supposed to come down this morning. When she does that, it just makes me want to NOT CALL....
My question is, during a work day, do you expect your partner to call you during the morning? Knowing that my mornings are busy and I'm working or setting up work or doing bids and I'm not thinking about calling. I told her I would have called her once I was done with what I was doing... she didn't like that.... Is she being to needy? Insecure? This has been a problem for us for a while know. I work in the morning, she sleeps in and doesn't go to work until after 12....
Just looking for a little feedback on this.
Thanks and hope you all have a wonderful week and for those of you in California, Stay dry! And for those of you back East, STAY WARM!!!
You men and your toys!
Actually, my man texts me every morning just to say, "morning" and usually some comment about how he slept or how he's feeling. Then we may check in at lunch with a quick text. Maybe once during the evening. The only time we talk on the phone is in the evenings... and we talk every evening. We also call if there's something going on where we want some feedback or if we're just missing each other.
But we're long distance. I couldn't tell you what we'd be like if we saw each other all the time. Texting/talking is how we stay in touch.
I do find it funny that in the first part of this post, you're saying that she's so patient with you & the fact that your attention is always elsewhere. Then at the end of the post, you're saying that you think she's being needy. The woman wants to be connected to you somehow, KC. Do what you can to nurture that.
Good morning T.
Yes, she's great in some ways and in needy in others. I call her every morning. Yesterday, she had something she wanted to talk to me about.. (car stuff) and I didn't have my phone with me. When I'm busy, I'm thinking about work or whatever it is that I'm doing and then, out of the blue, I'll think of her and call.... I just didn't read her mind and call her when "she" wanted me to....
I know what it is... it always happens when we spend the weekend together. I spend the weekend making sure that she has a nice weekend and then come Monday, I need some time for me... I spend the morning getting ready for my week and I'm not thinking about calling her... but SHE, is thinking about our weekend and wanting it to continue... I think it's a Venus and Mars thing...
"Give me my cave.... I'll give you the world"!
Hope all is well with you!
I like calls. It makes me feel connected. Connected is good.
Hi Lexi,
I too like calls but the first day of the week, in the morning, I'm trying to organize my work week and I'm not thinking about making calls to my girlfriend that I just spent the whole weekend with. I'm thinking about getting my week in order so that I can make money. Once I'm done with that, I ALWAYS call her to say hello....
I think she has separation disorder... ! LOL
Have missed you.
Waiting for that picture! (smiles)
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