I've lived in the Coastal areas of California almost my entire life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This weekend, some friends and I went Abalone Diving in one of the most Beautiful places on the planet... in my opinion... When we arrived at our location, the first thing we noticed was how nice it was NOT to be in the blistering heat of the heat wave that is passing by right now... The coastal fog was misty but not thick and the air was cool but not cold. A perfect day to be on the coast.
It funny, but I never get much sleep when I go away for a few days. There was a lot of stuff to get together for the trip as well as getting all my Abalone gear together. I haven't been Ab diving since last year but I used some of my diving gear for Gold Dredging last winter and I had to gather everything back up again... it always seems to take forever... going over lists, checking items, bagging and tagging!
I grabbed my floating tube that is wrapped with a cloth and has a net in it so that when you're out in the water, you have something to hold on to when you get a little tired... I think I spent most of my time holding onto that tube... it was exhausting..
The water was a little rough. twice I had my mask ripped from my face by a big wave and twice I had to have my girlfriend make the journey back up the cliff to retrieve my other mask. The first time, I got the other mask and then promptly found the mask I lost. The second time, there was no finding it... another item lost to the Great Pacific Ocean... I bet it almost sounds like I'm complaining... but I'm not, I just love the power of the ocean. It can be calm and alluring almost begging you to come out to play... and then a few seconds later... it can throw you around at will, deciding if at that moment, is it going to claim your life or let you live... this weekend, we all lived, we all got Abalone and we'll Feast Better than Kings tonight!
I hope everyone else is staying cool in this heat and I wish you all a wonderful weekend!