Monday, June 14, 2010

Just Sitting

Tonight I took my Middle son 17 and his friend out to one of my favorite places. No, it wasn't the nude E bar... we went and listened to one of my favorite people share about living life on life's terms. How to be present in peoples lives without pressing your self on them.

Yes, we went and sat in Meditation for 35 minutes and then listened to Jack Kornfield share some stories about life and how to go through the day to day things in life without feeling the pressure of always being good... or right...
Did you know that you have to have obstacles in life in order to grow. He had some great things to say as he always does. I feel blessed to be able to have such a great place as Spirit Rock to go to.

I look at my son and sometimes I wish I had been exposed to something as extraordinary as S.R. He just amazing me time and time again. When he took entrance exams to get into a private High School, I thought to myself... WHY? where he lives has some of the newest, best public schools in the State of California... but since he passed the exams to get in, how could I deny him.
Fast forward, A couple of weeks ago, he graduated from that school with honors. He also was accepted to a wonderful, exciting College in Washington State. I'm so proud of him as well as happy that he is open minded enough to look into meditating to move forward in his future one moment at a time. Tonight, he brought a friend with us to share this experience with.

If you ever get a chance to read anything written by Jack Kornfield and you have an open mind to learn things that may not be "in your character" please do, he's a great read!

1 comment:


How fortunate indeed!! I'm SO jealous!

I will definitely pick up a book by him. And I continue my own search for someone like him in the Dallas area...

Thank you KC.