I have a girlfriend that has a 15 yr. old daughter and she's a handful...
2 weeks ago, she decided that she was going to hang out with her boyfriend, her mom told her that she needed to be home at a certain time... but she just said, "Make Me" ... "D" told her that she HAD to come home and she just snubbed her... she told her that she didn't have to do anything she told her to do... I told my GF that she needed to report her to the police as a runaway... what they told her blew me away... " there's nothing we can do"
How can teenagers have more rights than the parents?? She wouldn't tell her where she was, she didn't come home, she's out smoking dope and drinking and still the cops do nothing... in my day, my dad would have Tanned my hide for such disregard! Kids have too many rights!! If you force them to mind, they report you. What are parents to do...?
My GF, kept in contact with the PD but they couldn't find her... then on Sunday night, she came home and acted as if nothing happened. How do you contend with a defiant teenager? I know that it starts when they are young, but she came from a broken home and the father doesn't support the mother... I wanted soooo bad to jump in and get involved... it took everything I had not to flip out at her... we know she's doing drugs, drinking and having sex... why is it that the cops can't do anything??? She needs to be scared straight... but kids these days know all the loopholes. They know that there really isn't anything that the parent can do to "force" them to respect their parent...
I have to say that it makes me sad that this child has no respect for a mother that has done everything to make her life better...
Things need to change, parents need more tools to help control unruly kids. Yes, it will be tough at first.. but these kids need to know that in the end, learning respect, manners and appreciation will only help them in the future... just how to go about it is the problem....
Any suggestions??
First of all, I saw that you had another post on your feed.... that didn't get published for some reason... Hmmm??
Secondly, this is downright ridic. Seriously?
I'd take away rights. I would. The car, allowance, the cell phone, the TV, food... and I'm not kidding. Then I'd seriously look into a summer camp where they'd put her through so much hardcore Army training that she'd be begging to come home.
Don't piss Mama off. I brought you into this world and I can take you right back out.
I scary thing is that she doesn't mind having things taken away.... she just says " I don't care" she got in an argument with her mom and went up and slammed the door to her room... over and over... we took the door off... she hasn't said a word about it.. she's got to be the most stubborn person I've ever dealt with.. and I've raised 3 boys and 1 girl... the police keep saying, "sorry, but there isn't anything we can do" they have to catch her in the act... hard to do when they can't even find her... and when she comes home, they say, "well, she's home... what the problem". My kids wouldn't have ever spoken to me the way she talks to her moms and I would have been beaten Senseless for speaking to my mother with disrespect.... this world is Fucked up!
Like I said, Army training camp. (or what do they call those camps for hardheaded teens? Yeah, those.)
Good luck!
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