Last night started off as most nights. I got home from work, did a few chores and then settled in to watch a little TV while I waited for the GF to come over. Wed. and Thurs. Nights are our "Do Stuff together" nights and normally, we base our weeks around those nights and the weekends. Last night was no different.
See, she's a hairdresser and those two nights are the nights she works late and then stays at my house instead of going home. It's been that way for almost two years except for the occasional "change of plans" that happens when you both have kids.
I got the call about 8:00 from her, nothing unusual, she normally calls when she's about to leave the shop and let me know that she was on her way. It was her on the phone and she told me that her old boyfriend came by for a haircut and that he was hungry and wanted to take her to get something to eat. He's married, has a son and a pretty wife and he's pretty harmless but she told me a few months ago, when we were having one of our "talks" that he always has wanted her and that even thou he's married, before we were together, she'd fucked him.
Well, I've been feeling a little out of sorts lately and I wondered if maybe I'd missed something. A sign, some comment, something that would have led up to this... but I couldn't think of any... so, anyway, she said she was going to go out to dinner and if I wanted to meet him, to meet them at a restaurant that's not too far from my house. I figured what the hell, There wasn't any reason that I couldn't meet this guy so I went to the restaurant and met them. He seemed like a pretty good guy. We talked about all kinds of stuff. We knew a lot of the same people having both grown up in the same area but different circle of friends. It was a good evening. I thought it went well. Then....
Knowing that I was going to be out of town this weekend, up in the mountains with my guy friends being mountain men, she invited herself to go down to watch his son in race that he is in. She didn't want to drive with them so she was going to drive her own car. So he and her came up with another guy, another old friend, that was best friends with her other boyfriend, (they all ran in the same circle) that she could go down with to watch the race. It's about 90 miles to where they had to go and wouldn't be back until about 1:00 in the morning.
Now, I've been working on those feelings of jealousy and I've been doing really good at not having them. I mean, I just met the old boyfriend, I was going to be out of town and there isn't any cell service where our ranch is and there are about 25 other girls she could invite to go with her, she decides that inviting this guy is a good idea... well... I didn't...
I told her that I didn't feel comfortable with her plans and thats when she started getting all defensive. Voice went up and octave, she got louder, ( I forgot to mention that she had a couple of drinks prior to my arrival at the restaurant) and she told me that they were just friends and that she could do whatever she wanted... I agreed and then I said, "so, I guess you don't mind if I start going out with my old girlfriends and other women that I used to hang out with... that's when she started yelling, and then left the room.
So, I guess I hit a nerve. She didn't say a word to me the rest of the night, and to be honest, I was OK with that. This morning, I couldn't wait for her to leave...
Isn't it funny how it's OK that she hangs out with old GUY friends but as soon as I mentioned me doing it with old GIRL friends, she flipped. She said, that they were just her FRIENDS and that if I hung out with girl "friends" that I would be trying to have sex with them... doesn't she realize, that THAT is what THEY are trying to do with her??
Well, I see the end coming for this relationship... it's to bad too, I thought she had potential... such is life....