Can you keep a secret? I'm thinking about changing careers...
I've been a dad for 28 years and from the way my children turned out, I haven't done too bad of a job. Of course, with my own children, I had help from my second wife and together we were able to mold our children into some pretty good kids. It probably helped that they were given plenty of room to grow. Lots of exposer to adults and exposed to many areas of life. I would say that they are all pretty well rounded children.
I was thinking this morning while I am dealing with a horrendous sinus headache. Wondering what I could do to make more money doing something that I enjoy doing... and what I came up with is this...
I was thinking of offering my services as a "DAD Nanny" to the rich and unwilling to take part in their children's upbringing. I want to offer my skills at life, camping, ranching, shooting, waterskiing, wake boarding, sailing, basically, I want to help children to learn about life and experience all the things that their parents don't have time to do or aren't willing to take the time to teach them. There are so many children that would love to learn about life and the wild. I want to help them get out of the bedroom watching TV or playing video games and to experience the old ways of the world.
I would take them on outings, adventures and teach them manners, how to talk to people, answer their questions about anything and just be the "Dad" that they don't have....
What do you think? Do you think there are people out there that would pay a "DAD" to help teach their children about life?
My kids are out of the house. All but my youngest and he could help me to teach them. Show them that it's possible to learn about life outside the City life....
I'm willing to travel, take them to exotic places, Caribbean, Mexico, to the ranch and teach them how to survive in the wild so that if by chance something happened to this world, they would have the skills to live.
How much do you thing the rich and famous would pay to have someone teach their children about life?
If you know of anyone that doesn't have time to "deal" with their children, then refer them to me. We can work out a deal and in the end, their children will be better for it.
What do you think about my idea, I'm could use some feedback about it. There are LOTS of VERY rich people that are too busy to deal with their kids. I can do it for them.
Give me some ideas. For the right family, they could pay to teach their children about a great adventure and it's something I think I'd be really good at. I'll work anywhere in the country. All they have to do is pay me to do it...
Referrals welcome!
Well I think it is a great idea! Do I have any great ideas for Lol! There are tons of kids that need someone in their lives. Can you get parents to pay you for it? Maybe....but you would have to make it professional. Such as references, experience etc.... Well good luck!!
Heck yeah! And I sign me up for that education too! I love all those things!
Seriously... why not? I bet the filthy rich would love the idea.
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