Well, I haven't changed careers yet... still doing research on being a Nanny Daddy. Sure sounded good at the time...
I'm having the most trouble I've ever had in my life just going to work. See I work for myself and just the thought of getting out of bed, getting dressed and leaving the house feels like a TON of weight on my. I thought maybe I was depressed about something but I can't put my finger on it. My life isn't bad, I have a pretty good GF that loves having new adventures with me. I have a job that pays me more in one hour than some make in a day. I don't have any pressures that are overwhelming. I have a roof over my head, a Motorcycle to ride and sunshine.. I have a truck that can climb any mountain and I use it for that... things are good, just not great!
I'm going to see Wonderbread 5 on Friday night with a group of 6 girls and all of them are wild and crazy. I'm heading to the ranch after to hang out with my buddies and do "guy" things for the rest of the weekend. Maybe it's that when I don't work, I have to budget my money and I'm not very good with budgeting... I could work more, there is plenty of work to do, I have more jobs than I can fit in especially when I don't want to do them...
So, having written this, I've come to the conclusion... I need to sleep more, get more rest, take some time for me and then get my ASS out there and do my jobs so that I can go on that vacation to Mexico that I've been planning and feel good about it!
Thanks for letting me bounce my shit off of you... you've helped more than you know.
Sometimes ya just gotta say it out loud, right?
Have fun!
Sometimes it the "person" that writes and sometimes it's the silent majority that helps out in such things... this time... I'd say it's the person that writes....
Thanks for being there T !
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