I've come to the conclusion that I am not a professional blogger. My life just isn't that amazing. I don't have craziness going on every day. My world doesn't flip out all the time and I don't worry to much about my figure...
When I started writing here on this blog I thought maybe I would have some insightful things to write about. I guess I could share about my relationship more. I could probably shock a few of you with stories of Wild sex, threesomes and foursomes... nights out in SF with my girlfriend going to sex clubs and watching others "do it" or "doing it" while others watched... I could tell you about all the times we've turned on our web cam and made crazy love sex together while strangers that we've never seen before watched us and played with themselves while we were doing it... but then, I guess I'm not as "open" as I thought I was because describing these things in detail wouldn't do them justice. They were and are the things that I enjoy doing with my special someone and if you happened upon us doing it somewhere, then we'd love to include you in our escapades.
Honestly, those weren't the reasons I started "blogging" I wanted to just have a place where I could write down my thoughts and my adventures and I was sure no one would ever discover them on the internet. I wanted to be able to put my most precious thoughts down. I wanted to just be able to write about my adventures with my kids and family. All the places we go and some of the things we like to do. But, what I've also discovered is that it probably isn't all that interesting to others.
So, I think what I'll do is continue to write my thoughts down. It gives me a place to do it where I don't have to worry as much about people I know seeing it and if you care to stop by once in a while and say hello, I'd like that as well.
I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend and I hope that this week finds you in good spirits.
You write whatever you feel. Sometimes I write about sex but most of the time I am venting or reflecting. It is nice to have a place to do that. Always happy to read what you have to say. ;)
Thanks Gwen, yes, sometimes it's a great place to vent. Sharing ideas and feelings. Also being able to have a place to write about some of the erotic things that go on when you're exploring a new, exciting and stimulating relationship all the while getting feedback from others makes it worthwhile.
Thank you for coming to my little place on the net!
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