This last weekend, I went to our ranch. I love it up there. If I could find a way to make a living without having to go to work, I'd live up there and only leave to pick up supplies and for social events. I'd love to spend a couple of months just working on the ranch, playing on the ranch and living on the ranch.
We have water, food, pretty much everything a person would need to live up there and the best part, no cell phones, no TV, no cable, no internet. The only electricity is the generator that we use to run the lights at night.
I've posted a few pictures of the ranch before but here are a couple of some Manzanita Trees that I saw while hiking this weekend. They are so old, they were probably just little bushes when the 49er's discovered gold in California. There are Oak Trees that are 40 feet around at the base. It's the Wild, Wild West up there and I think that's what I love most about it.
I wish I had my camera with me on Saturday afternoon. I was walking along a meadow and was looking out over the valley below not really paying attention to much when I saw something out of the corner of my eye lunge at me. By the time I realized what it was, I had jumped back. It was a 5 foot Rattlesnake! He was about 3 inches thick and he JUST missed my leg with his strike. He then started rattling at me. This is pretty unusual. Most of the time, when a snake senses you, they rattle to let you know they are there. I see them every so often when I'm out hiking and they never bother me but this one was angry, hunger and probably didn't like the fact that it was over 100 degrees out at the time. Anyway, I asked him to move along and I went my own way. This time, being a little more careful about where I was going.
Have a wonderful week and I'll see you on Thursday!
Looks amazing! I was just out in the Bay area over the weekend and AHHHHH the weather was spectacular!
Beautiful! It is always nice to get away....recharge. Thanks for your comments....
Good Morning T. Wish you would have said you were heading out this way! Would have been nice to share a coffee or something. It was a great time to visit this area. Glad you enjoyed it!
Gwen, thank YOU for being here! You're much appreciated.
Linked over from Kat's Blog...I miss my ranch! Was in the family for 55 years and for a time was fully irrigated and a sight to behold. Then cattle prices fell, my dad went back to flying and well, we kept it and it was the folks retirement and they both passed 8 years apart at the cement brick ranchouse. Had, as trustee, to sell it for estate purposes...but I still have dreams almost every night that are set on some part of that property...over 800 acres in Nevada County foothills...just one other thing...your pictures may have included Madrone as well as manzanita. Used to ride my Shetland pony to a one-room schoolhouse for kindergarten and first grade. Those times are gone for me...and I confess that at times (like in HS) I wanted to be anywhere but there :) But the land is in my blood. Cheers,
The Observer
Welcome W.D.
Yes, Madrone and Manzanita. Both are incredible on the ranch. We too run cattle on this ranch as well as raise Walnuts on one of the other ranches. Lots of work and not much money but I wouldn't give it up for the world. There's something about being out in the wild wild. It was passed on to me and it has been passed on to my children and hopefully, on to their children.
Glad you have so many great memories of your ranch. Sometimes, those are the best memories of all.
Thanks again for stopping by,
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