Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The little things in life

Today, I had a splitting headache but still had to function at work and couldn't go home, crawl into bed and let it run it's course... I think its from the changing of the seasons, the trees are dropping their leaves and the pollen is thick. Whatever the reason... I HATE HEADACHES !
So, I worked all day and when I got home, there was a package on the porch.. a big package... it contained my new Motorcycle tires!!! I haven't been able to ride since my trip because I wore off all my tread and I've been waiting for these tires to get here and THEY FINALLY CAME!
I'm like a little kid when it comes to packages... I was born on Christmas Day and as such, had to wait 12 months for presents so Packages on the doorstep make me happy!!

I'll be putting them on the bike Thursday, just in time to enjoy a great ride this weekend......
Sorry if I sound like a little kid... but there are a few things I still get a great deal of pleasure out of and riding is one of them.

HNT tomorrow.... still thinking of what to do...
Have a great night!




Woohoo! My birthday is 3 days after Christmas so I feel your pain. Capricorns rock!

For HNT? Give us some legs on that motorcycle of yours...

KC's point of view said...

I knew we had some common things working in our lives... People find each other for the craziest reasons... I'll take this one!

Have a great weekend T