Monday, December 20, 2010

It just keeps giving and giving.....

Sunday morning the girl that comes in to help care for my Alzheimer's mother was getting her out of bed and walking her to the bathroom, I was in my office when I heard a LOUD crash.... I jumped up and ran into the room to find my mom rigid on the floor and the girl freaking out... I've seen this one before. She had a Seizer and had labored breathing... I calmed my girlfriend and the helper and asked them to call 911.... her eyes were glazed and non responsive. The firemen came within minutes and a few minutes later she stated to respond.... her  eyes blinked and I knew she was going to be OK. they took her to the hospital and she came back.....

I spent hours in the hospital..... they don't move very fast... it was raining and  I I had to bring her home.. Why do things always happen in December?

She's OK I was calm...I hope it stops soon.....


Beryl said...

Oh gosh. I'm sorry this happened and that things have been such a struggle, lately. Sending you good thoughts.

Lexi G. said...

Sending hugs. (That's what I need when life gets rough.) Thinking of you!


Yes, sending hugs too. How about you? Are you remembering to breathe too?