Thursday, November 18, 2010

Resting this weekend

Our little GFF called today and wanted to get together with us for a little fun or the Adult kind... but after last weekend, we're both wanting to relax this weekend and be "normal"...
My GF did some "shaving" last Saturday night and she said that she's a little tender still from the rash that followed on the following day... she wanted to be EXTRA smooth, so she went against the grain while shaving and she's got the little red bumps that itch like crazy. I know about the "little red  bumps" too.. you see, I'm saved "Down there" as well...
I never thought I would EVER do anything like that.. I'm not a "hairy" guy but one night, I thought I would surprise her and Shave... Being a "Manly man" I didn't ask anyone about how to go about it... I just go the razor and started at it... I shaved my balls, the inside of my legs at my crotch, I saved my shaft... then I thought, what the hell, I'll shave a little higher too so I shaved up to my belly button...
Next I looked at my chest and I thought, " I'm going to trim that up too" so I started to trim it with the razor... and I put a couple of streaks down my chest... so I thought, "Well, now you've done it" so I shaved my chest hair....
By the time I was done, I had the smoothest Chest and privates EVER!! I shaved every which way... up, down, sideways... I was SMOOTH...
She loved it!! She couldn't keep her hands off me... it was HOT.... UNTIL.....
The next day.... that's when I started itching... not just itching.. I mean REALLY itching.... It was driving me crazy!!! and that's when I saw the bumps.... EVERYWHERE!!! I almost freaked out.... I said "I'LL NEVER SHAVE AGAIN!
It took about a week for all the bumps to go away.. my girlfriend told me what I did wrong... and since then, I've kept myself fairly well shaved.. I've learned that in my business, shaving at my belt line, is NOT recommended... If you spend a lot of time bending over or have the chance of dirt getting into your clothing... DON'T shave at the belt line... it takes FOREVER for those little bumps to stop itching and go away..! LOL
So, when my GF said she'd like to just relax this weekend, I don't have any problem with that... I'll rub lotion where she needs it and we'll have a nice, Vanilla weekend... and I'm PERFECTLY content with it...
Cause I know that once those bumps go away.... she'll be ready to explore our NEXT adventure!
I love her...!


Lexi G. said...

Oh, yeah. Love those new adventures. And I love the vanilla intimacy of being with someone you love. Have a great weekend!

KC's point of view said...

Thanks Lexi!
Sorry your BF broke himself! Kids these days!!!

Have a great week thou!